Mr. Roby, Hearing Representative, represents insurance carriers, self-insured employers, and public entities in workers’ compensation lien defense. He began his tenure at the firm as a law clerk before his subsequent promotion to Hearing Representative.
Before joining Michael Sullivan & Associates, Mr. Roby served as a law clerk for Cindy Ho Law, APC. He has also worked for both the Santa Clara District Attorney and Contra Costa District Attorney’s offices as a summer law clerk. Mr. Roby began his career in law as a collections law department legal assistant for Quall Cardot LLP.
Mr. Roby received his Juris Doctor degree from Santa Clara University School of Law, where he was an Emery Merit Scholar and a quarterfinalist for the internal Honors Moot Court. He also holds a B.A. in Media Communications and Journalism from California State University, Fresno, from which he graduated cum laude.
Mr. Roby is originally from Manchester, England and is a die-hard Manchester United fan.