Empowering California's legal community: Michael Sullivan & Associates online resources – Your hub for knowledge, insights, and legal excellence.

We Wrote the Book
Sullivan on Comp is the definitive treatise on California workers' compensation law. Used by the entire industry, our treatise has a well-deserved reputation as the most comprehensive legal research platform and educational resource available. The sixteen-chapter set explains workers' compensation law thoroughly, yet in a straightforward style. It is available in both print and online versions.
In addition to the full text of the treatise, the electronic edition also adds a complete suite of benefits calculators, more than 75 hours of on-demand webinars (qualified for MCLE and CE credit) and is updated monthly to reflect the latest changes to state and federal law. It is accessible via web browser and mobile app.
With over 8,000 subscribers to the available app, content from Sullivan on Comp is used in the training manuals for the WCCA and WCCP certifications offered by The Institutes and taught by IEA instructors.
Sullivan on Comp is published by Michael Sullivan & Associates LLP.
Navigating COVID-19:
A Legal Guide For California Employers
From the authors of Sullivan of Comp, Navigating COVID-19: A Legal Guide for California Employers is the leading resource for workers' compensation, employment law, and general liability. All of your pressing questions are answered in this easy to read text.
From compensability and reasonable accommodations to liability and state compliance, get the information you need to make the decisions that matter. This Guide changes the way businesses manage the impact of COVID-19.
Easy to use, this cutting-edge Guide is accessible from any device. Effortlessly search for keywords and find relevant content. This comprehensive resource is updated frequently to provide the latest news and policy. Have COVID-19 guidance at your fingertips.
Workers' Compensation
AME & QME Fee Schedule
Indemnity Handout - 2024
MS&A Work Comp Time Limits
IDR Handout
PD Chart - MS&A 2024
Presumption Chart Handout
Average Weekly Wage Calculation Guide - 2025
Summary of California Workers' Compensation Benefits - 2025
Presumption Chart Handout - COVID